Friday, July 29, 2005

"Jovanovski and Ohlund will be in Vancouver"

Some rambling notes from the Dave Nonis interview on MOJO radio...

"Jovanovski and Ohlund will be in Vancouver" straight from the mouth of Dave Nonis.

So there you have it. Can the rumours end? :)

By the sounds of it, Nonis has inquired about the #2 pick but Burke is asking far too much and a deal is not likely. Nonis is however looking to move up and has made at least one offer to a club.

Also confirmed was that the Canucks have made qualifying offers to all their Group II free agents, which includes Dan Cloutier, Mattias Ohlund, Brendan Morrison and others.

The Canucks will take the best player available, not the hometown boy... so if they move up their is no guarantee that they are looking for Brule.

"Being able to draft and develop players will be more important than ever."

One rule change confirmation from Dave, players who miss 10 games or 24 days, can be replaced without additional money counting against the cap.

In other news, the New York Rangers have bought out one of the worst contracts in NHL history.

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